Up to 4 lucky people will each receive 01 flashcards of choice among our collection above.
We will choose:
- 01 winner if there are 1+ participants
- 02 winners if there are 500+ participants
- 03 winners if there are 750+ participants
- 04 winners if there are 1000+ participants
So, to increase your chance of winning one of our flashcard sets, please share this page with your friends and family who might be interested in our bilingual goodies!
Giveaway Rules
1. Participate from now until September 30th @ 11:59PM PST (Note: if you received this email you already signed up)
2. Must be in the US or Canada to win (we only ship within these countries)
3. Winner(s) will be chosen randomly from the list of participants and announced in the first week of October by email (Note: Only your names will be shared in the announcement email, not your email addresses)
4. If you win, you have 7 days to get back to us by email with your flashcards of choice and shipping address. If you don't get back within 7 days, we have the right to cancel your prize or transfer to the next lucky person
5. The prizes will be shipped out within a week of receiving your shipping info, unless there's no inventory of the chosen flashcards in which case we will ship it to you when the flashcards are in stock.